Sharon McCullaugh – the oldest woman body builder in SK and TOP 3 in Canada!
"I really wanted to lose weight and get fit” – her story begins 63 years old Sharon. 4 years ago she decided to enter gym and start to build muscle. After couple months of hard work she decided to accept challenge and with help of professional trainer she started all year preparation for competition. First time she stood on stage being 60 years old and won 2 first place trophies in Brandon, MB at International Drug Free Athletics competition. "I don’t believe in drugs to build muscles. Just hard work!” – says Sharon. Second time she competed at 62 years old and won two second place trophies in Regina and Brandon. "My goal to lose weight brought me where I never thought I will be. I lost 28 pounds and being 63 years old I am a fitness clothing SASKFIT model & representative” – laughs Sharon. She was interviewed on CTV morning live and her story was published in Finest Fittest magazine. Now Sharon helps people in the gym to reach their goals. Contact her on Facebook if you need some support.

By the way, former EMT Sharon and her husband Howard (former Langenburg Town administrator) have big passion for Chevrolet Camaro cars. In the past they attended lots of different car shows and participated in car race competitions too!
Here are some Sharon's secrets for those who want to lose weight and repeat her journey:
- Drink lots of water (she needed to consume 10 litres/day);
- Eat 8 times per day
- No sugar, desserts, pop etc.
- Lots of proteins (chicken, steak, eggs, protein drinks, nuts, yogurt)
- Lots of vegetables
- "DO A S*** LOAD OF EXRECISES!” – recommends Sharon!